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No Crumbs
Outreach Ministry 

True Church of the Living God exists to provide a safe haven for our community and everyone who has a need and an interest in living a purposeful life.  We do this through community outreach such as clothing and food drives, street and online ministry and counseling and prayer. 


The world is our community.


The No Crumbs Ministry is working to achieve this mission. 


A woman is embraced by Minister Singleton during August 6th No Crumbs Outreach. 

A man receives prayer from Pastor Pace during August 6th No Crumbs Outreach.  

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Lady Pace, Sis Bridgette and Sis Samantha prepare food for those waiting to be served during September No Crumbs Outreach. 

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A woman assists with setting up clothes to those in need during September No Crumbs Outreach.

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Members of the No Crumbs Ministry gather in prayer after another successful outreach.  

The No Crumbs Ministry shares the Word of God with those searching for the Truth at no charge. 

A man is assisted by Minister Singleton at the free clothing section of the No Crumbs Outreach.

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